Friday, 12 January 2024

Accessibility in Relations

It is said that something has value until it comes into your access.In the same way,if a relationship comes under your control,its value gradually decreases-Love and affection might be uses as weapons in order to get access-Relation without access is invain-

Human Nature

It's human nature that a person put more effort in establishing a relationship,after sometime the disgust starts to show after making the relationship-
The main reason for this is to eliminate preference even after acquiring one- In any relationship,a person should never present himself as an open book,but one should keep in mind an element called curiosity- It's human nature that soon he/she will getting bore from thing which he/she got very difficulty-

Man by Nature is inconsistent

By nature,man is not consistent in any matter of life be it a relationship or any other life matters- Sometimes there is   less hope in the relations will lead to consistency in the relationship- If a person adopts the habit of maintaining something as a high priority after achieving it,then there will be never be a rift in the relationship-

Successful person

IF a person is millionare and is weak in relationship,then he is a poor person- On the contrary,if a poor person is an expert in establishing relationships,then the society considers him successful/Rich person-Because now money cann't buy relationships and money cann't buy love-

Money cannot buy love

You can buy a temporary relations with money but there is no love in this relationship,the other party compromises- It has often  been seen in  this kind of relationship that when the wealth is gone or reduced,the relationship will fly back to its home like a free bird- That relationship is hollow without love and trust that's why it happens- The standard of Humanity is determined by a person's good dealings of life moral and ethical quality  and not determined by person's wealth and property- These are temporary things-

Take Enjoy in sustaining relationship

The real fun is in any relationship which many people are impatient to get first,when they don't get it they break off the relationships- Impatience is inherent in human nature and they get everything a head of time wants to enjoy everything in advance- Whenever you consider accessibility as the main point in a relationship,you will  never be able to enjoy the relationship- Maintain a balance before forming a relationship not too accessible and not too proximity and not too much distance so that the relationship with balance remains intact- The main mistake that's found in relationship is too much intimacy balance should be prefered over it-

Claim Ownership Lead towards Accessibility

Man naturally wants to claim ownership over everything be it a material thing or a relationship. He makes every effort to own it.In relation to love one actually wants to gain access by giving the name of love-Being too possessive in a relationship takes away the freedom of the others and because  of this distance and disgust also arise- As a result the relationship ends-A degree of freedom can be compromised not for long-

Access Possible Through Two way traffic

A relationship be it love or something else wordly,is like a two-way traffic- If one side has traffic the other will not have access, which makes the relationship hollow and weak- So one may consider the relationship as a compromise but after sometime he/she will want to escape from the relationship. The main reason for this is the unavailability of attention and love. So if there is no two way traffic rule in relationship,isolation is much better than it. The World also run on the principle of something give and something take just like two way traffic in a relationship is compulsory-Relationship also run on the principle of two way traffic-


Understand other feelings more than accessibility in a relationship. When you understand the pain and feelings of others, the other will not be able to stay away from you if he/she is a concious person. I believe if you gain control over person's heart, you will be able to Convince them to live according to your will- Real ruling is the ruling over heart not physically ruling- Man always makes his own deal in the name of love- Make sure the relationship feels good if you want it to last for a long time-

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