Sunday, 25 February 2024

Eldery Support Services

There comes a time in a person's life when a person enters the last part of his age. So this part of his age sets him back at once. Then man needs a support just as childhood he needs a support. His good fortune in childhood is that he has a loving parents who supports him until he stands on his own feet . When he tries to walk, he is supported by his straggered steps. He got love and affection from everywhere. But when person enters the last stage of life, so the force of time pushes him backwards and it brings the same time again that when he needs support to walk a step again. At that time, those people are very lucky who get this support and who guide them step by step. And when they get support at this stage of life, troubles and difficulities have no sign in their life -

Research Around You

If we ever reflect around us, many events pass before us which have a great lesson for us. But the unfortunate thing about us is that we don"t have that thinking mind .
We people get so engrossed in our own world that we don"t even know what is going on around us. We often go for a walk in a park, a beach, or any open space.
So if you think about it, we often see couples engaged in their own conversation . Even children are engrossed in a separate world of their own. But here we definitely see one or the other person who is looking for a support.
His gaze is circling his surroundings, you will see a strange yearning in his eyes. He is looking for someone to enlighten his burden. The burden he has been carrying on his shoulders for years. But when the evening sun appears to be setting on him.
So, in the same way, the existence appears to be drowning in this burden of sorrows who is carried on his shoulders and a wave of despair falls on his forehead due to the grief of not getting this support. So his tongue moves a little and makes a little sound "Oh My God there is no such thing will try again tomorrow". And carrying the burden of endless sorrows, he again walk towards the place where all his support is taken away -

Dark Reality Of Our Society

The people are lucky who get some support in the last part of life . According to the Westerns, their sense of feeling is more than that of the Easterns. Therefore, these people soon realized this lack of existence due to this contempt of man. And they built a old house and gathered all the old people in it tell Now listen to each other and be each other's support. We people are a bit advanced in the matter of religion and in every matter of life they keep threatening each other in the name of religion. But in the case of Olders, we don"t take the name of religion at all, but our religion at all, but our Religion teaches us to behave well with the elders. So we people made old houses in our houses and for these older peoples we used to empty the servant quarters of our houses.
That stay here that is very peaceful place. Because of you, our children are bored, please take the day out there will also be gossip with friends and in the evening go to the room and sleep. At that moment, many of our writers were in Motion and made this great tragedy of the society the center of his writing. His purpose was that our society might be saved from a great evil. But unfortunately, this disease have increased in our society and they have become old houses in amlost every house. The result was that these people often see us in parks and on sightseeing places. Their eyes are looking for some support they are looking for such a shoulder that on which they can express their pain. But we people ignore such people and move on that this old Man who is holding a stick, do not pay attention to him, just do your job and have fun-

Rare people in this Era

It is our luck that there are still some people living like this in our society that by whose tail this society is established. Those people have no status in front of the wordly people but the society is sustained by these people. These people are few in number and the most valuable thing that they have is their time. These people save their precious time for people who need such support. These people support them, they feel their pain and in return they receive millions of prayers and years of Experience.
It's fact that as the age of a person increases, the experience of a person increases. He discovers the ups and downs of time,an experience of living within him. And the unrelenting stumbles of time and the misbeahavior of relationships add to this experience.
If we ever take sometime out of our precious time and talk to such people, we will know that these people do not talk about their knowledge like us, Rather talk on base of their experience.
Fortunate are those who have the support of such people as they gain that experience infront of which that knowledge also fades away on the basis of which we are ashamed to talk to those people wearing three-piece suit so that our value does not decrease-


No one knows how old he will be and and how long he will live. But it is certain that what we are doing today can happen to us tomorrow. It may be that when we refuse to be the support of such people, tomorrow their will be no support for us either. And maybe the next shadow holding the stick tomorrow at sunset will be ours who is looking for support all day long and his voice is being heard 
"Oh my God, there is no such thing. I will try again tomorrow."
These people are our valuable asset, we are never succesful unless we take such people with us. Our Media, our Tv channels have become silent either there are still people alive who are the support of millions of people whose existence brings a smile to the face of many such people those who had wrinkles on their foreheads the problem was not getting a support. So, it is only a matter of making sometime, so arrange time and be a support to such people. Trust me, you will get a lot in return, a vast experience and a lot of prayerful support for the future that you will need tomorrow. 
"Now this time is flowing like water and if we don't support such people, we don't care about them, then tomorrow we will be like standing water and there will be no one to ask us".

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